Captain Gregory Vine flew his last flight on Friday 19th August 2022 alongside one of his favourite partners, Sam Sapwe on a Jesus Film Ministry trip
Greg has served with MAF for 15 years, 4 years in Chad and 11 years in Uganda as MAF Uganda’s Chief Pilot. Over the past few weeks in August, Greg has been handing over to MAF Uganda’s new chief pilot, Wim Hobo who has moved with his family from their last posting in Juba, South Sudan.
Greg mentioned what a pleasure it was to fly with Sam on his last flight, ‘Not only was the flight for something at the core of what MAF is all about, but it was also flying a group of people that were so excited about what they’re doing. On top of this, it was also for someone who is such a treasured partner of MAF and also my friend.’
Sam shared his sentiments, ‘It was a joy to be flown by Greg, Hansjoerg and Rembrand. While it is comforting that we still have familiar pilots like Rembrand and Hansjoerg and other MAF pilots, it is with both joyfulness and sadness to be on Greg's last flight with MAF-Uganda. It is sad that we will no longer have both Greg and Jill in Uganda and we already miss them.’

Every update we receive from Sam is always exciting and shows evidence of the Jesus Film Ministry having widespread impact in hard-to-reach places throughout Uganda. ‘A team of 22 of us, comprising evangelists, medical, dental and eye doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians were flown to Arua, hosted by the Arua Pentecostal Church where we met many Congolese and South Sudanese patients. We also flew to the border of Uganda and Kenya to Lwakhakha village where many crossed over from Kenya for treatment. We showed gospel videos, counselled those who were hurting, treated the sick, gave out medicine, clothes and over 100 pairs of glasses. We treated 110 dental patients, 600 medical patients and about 150 eye patients. We also held counselling 'spiritual clinics' and showed a gospel video in the evening. 128 people prayed to receive the Lord as Saviour. Many people looked broken, helpless and without hope. Our visit was a channel to these villagers, an answer from the Lord.’ This is the third such outreach organised by Jesus Film Ministries and flown by MAF this year.
Sam continued to share his appreciation of the long-term partnership he has had with MAF over the years, ‘MAF is a ministry of the Lord's compassion, caring for those who are otherwise easily forgotten and trampled down by the devil, helping the poor and needy who are in ‘the background’. The church and community were very grateful to receive these services free of charge and we were interviewed by 2 radio stations after they heard about the outreach. MAF made it possible for us to get to Arua easily, quickly and with full strength so we could spend almost two full days helping people. We returned on the planes flown by Pilot Hansjoerg and Gregory Vine exhausted but thankfully the next moment we landed in Kajjansi, fulfilled because of what the Lord had done.’

It may be the end of an era with regards to Pilot Gregory Vine flying for MAF, but it certainly isn’t the end of the encouraging harvest of souls happening through Jesus Film Ministries.