Cindi and Bill Walsh flew to Moyo where pastors are being trained and equipped to strengthen their ministries
Story Jill Vine
Cindi and Bill Walsh checked in at the Kajjansi terminal for their first ever flight with MAF. They heard through various Christian circles about MAF being a reputable flight service.
I’m always struck by how vital partnership is if we want to accomplish anything in the Kingdom. MAF plays a critical role.
Bill shared, ‘My wife and I finally had the opportunity to take our first MAF flight to a remote field. I have known about MAF for years and admired the ministry from a distance. We were thrilled to get to experience it personally for the first time. I particularly appreciate God’s calling on members of the global body who are so gifted in these practical ways that serve so well. It is evidence of God’s care for His people. MAF is a ministry to those who minister in the corners of the world, but ultimately it serves the recipients of that ministry. I’m always struck by how vital partnership is if we want to accomplish anything in the Kingdom. MAF plays a critical role.’
Equipping pastors
Bill has been working for Crossways for a year, with a prior 14 years' experience in content ministries publishing. The Lord gave him a burden for church leaders who have very little training in the developing world and shares how he's ‘been learning how to better support church leaders with good material.' Bill raises funding for publishing and distributing books so that Crossways can help resource pastors. ‘We’re finding that most Christians in lower economic areas struggle to purchase a bible of their own.’

The purpose of the Walsh’s trip to Moyo was to visit Jacob and Cindi Lee’s ministry, where they are training and equipping pastors. Crossways has provided them with thousands of books in Arabic and English over the last eight years. 'They’ve been training a lot of pastors that have come from South Sudan and have eventually returned more equipped. The material we’ve been able to distribute are study bibles, books on preaching and pastoring, and bible studies. We’re also discussing producing audio training for many that can’t read, but so far we’ve found that church leaders are usually literate. If we can equip the pastor then he can influence his entire congregation.’
‘This ministry changes everything for us. The greatest gift I can receive as a pastor is a resource that can help me understand Scripture deeper and give me the confidence to know that what I am teaching is faithful to the bible.’
Testimony from a Kenyan Pastor
The Walsh’s heard from a rural pastor in Kenya about how he valued the work of Crossways: ‘This ministry changes everything for us. One of the biggest struggles I have as a pastor is worrying that what I’m teaching to my church is even correct. The greatest gift that I can receive as a pastor is a resource that can help me understand Scripture deeper and give me the confidence to know that what I am teaching is faithful to the bible.’
As MAF are able to fly partners like the Walsh’s to remote areas across the developing world, the written word is being handed down from generation to generation, ‘So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.’ (Isaiah 55:11).
Crossways has also released material addressing the prosperity doctrine that is rife in Africa. This has been translated into 12 different languages and been published thousands of times. Bill went on to explain, ‘A pastor in Lusaka wrote a book for us called, ‘God’s design for the Church’, which is about how the church can be healthy for Africa.' It will be printed in English in Kampala, Nairobi, Kitwe (Zambia) and Capetown (SA) over the next couple of months, and then translated into other languages. Crossways is also building partnerships with trustworthy book printers and distributors that are based in the countries where they are distributing.
Jill Vine
MAF Communications